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Thursday, April 10, 2014

"Liebster Award" Tag!

The lovely Nneka (check out her blog here) nominated me for the "Liebster Award" Tag. Thanks again! I have to answer eleven questions and nominate 5 - 11 other bloggers to answer the questions. I love little tag and nomination games like this since you get to know the person behind the blog better without having to read the "About" pages.
Anyway, here we go!

Why did you decide to start blogging?
I've been blogging on and off since I was about 13 and always thought is was fun. But taking blogging seriously did not really develop until about a few months ago. I started this blog because I love writing and wanted to share some things with interested people.

What's the meaning behind your blog name?I just thought it sounded nice. And the black part... Well, that's pretty obvious, I guess ;)

Describe your style in one word.

Flats or Heels?
Heels. Definitely.

What wardrobe essential should every girl have?
It's probably the cliché answer to that question, but for me it is the little black dress.

What do you love about blogging?
The whole process: thinking about possible posts, creating them, getting feedback...

Do you have a fashion icon? If so, who is it?
No, I don't.

What do you love to do in your free time?
Spending time with my loved ones.

What are three of your favorite shops?
Hmmm. I don't think I have any real favorite shops. I just buy what I like, no matter where.

Name one item on your wishlist.
That would be the Too Faced Chocolate Bar Eyeshadow Palette!

Describe my blog in one word.

I nominate Lilly from Fetching, Cecilia from Smile's Avenue, Maike from Vankotte, Julia from Jubies Beauty and Vanessa from CashmereBow to answer the same questions. Hope you haven't done it yet. Have fun!



  1. Danke für die Nominierung! Ich habe ihn zwar schon einmal gemacht, aber nehme gerne noch einmal Teil! Musst du uns nicht noch 11 Fragen stellen? :)

    1. Bei der Vorgabe der Person die mich nominiert hat stand, dass man die gleichen Fragen beantworten soll :)

  2. Ich hab's auch schonmal gemacht, bin aber trotzdem dabei! Vielen Dank fürs Nominieren liebe Wakila :) mit dem kleinen Schwarzen stimme ich dir zu, das sollte jede Frau besitzen! Liebe Grüße

  3. Toller Tag :) Die Too Faced Palette will ich mir auch unbedingt mal anlegen :) und auch ein Dankeschön an dich, fürs Taggen, ich werde mal schauen, ob ich den Tag in nächster Zeit beantworten kann, da es gerade bei mir ein wenig stressig ist :)
    Ich wünsche dir noch einen schönen Tag!
    Liebste Grüße,
    Lilly <3


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