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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Life | "Don't Trust The Mirror" [Video]

We all do it. We all tend to look in the mirror and see the things we don't like about ourselves, instead of seeing the good things, the beautiful things. "My nose is too big", "I'm too small", "I don't like my legs"... We all know it and we all do it. But is that how strangers see us, too? Do they even notice what we think are imperfections? What if they don't? What if the feautures we don't like about ourselves are exactly what people think are beautiful about us?
I found a video on Upworthy that does exactly that: showing people that the parts they are self-conscious about are exactly the parts that make them beautiful and unique.
"I'm really self-conscious of my round face, especially my cheekbones", one man says. He doesn't know that a stranger is standing behind the mirror and, without hearing what the man is saying, remarks: "He has really nice cheeks!"

Click the video to see the whole experiment for yourself.


  1. Super schönes Video!!! Und so wahr... am Ende stand das Video noch das passt auch super dazu :)

  2. Ich liebe solche Videos! :) Ich habe mir inzwischen vorgenommen, Komplimente nicht immer für mich zu behalten, sondern es den Personen mitzuteilen. Man denkt immer das käme so komisch rüber, aber meistens freuen sich die Menschen total. Liebe Grüße

  3. Man wünscht sich mehr solcher Videos!

    Liebe Grüße
    Miss Annie
    Blog // Facebook // Bloglovin

    PS: Momentan freue ich mich über ein tolles neues Gewinnspiel auf meinem Blog >Hier< kannst du eine Sonnenbrille deiner Wahl gewinnen! Freue mich, wenn du vorbeischaust :-)

  4. WOW! Ich finds toll, dass du das gepostet hast ehrlich... Das regt mich so zum nachdenken an.. Ich mag deinen Blog sehr gern! Ich werde ihn jetzt öfter lesen :)

    xx Elena

  5. BEST Video Wakila :) Where did you find it? Such a pleasure to see this video, thank you sweetheart for that! I definitely would like to see more of those ones :)



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